Monday, October 17, 2005

What Frightens Me

What frightens me?

I don't fear crime, wild animals, death or injury, or pretty much anything that could happen to me as an individual. I've led a reasonably full life, and if the reaper comes knocking tomorrow, I think I could face it without much fear.

But I do have feelings approaching fear as I hear more about the craziness out there in the political world. I also know my fears are quite different from those the TV talking heads would have most people believe.

I fear that we will lose the political will to finish the terror war, leaving Iraq and Afghanistan to fend for themselves in the misguided belief that such withdrawal will mollify terrorists.

I fear that the billions spent on rebuilding after Katrina will put such a burden on taxpayers that it will send the economy into a recession or depression.

I fear that there may be too many followers of Louis Farrakan who truly believe his dangerous claims: Like Bush and Israel were responsible for 9/11, that Bush and his admininstration blew up the dikes in New Orleans in hopes that thousands of blacks would drown, that blacks should rise up and throw off their shackles from the oppressive white-dominated government, etc. The flames of hatred he is fanning I fear could lead to massive violence from his disaffected and misled followers.

I fear that nothing will be done about illegal immigration. That a massive influx of immigrants of all kinds, both skilled and unskilled, will depress the American standard of living and suppress our unique American culture. That English may no longer be the national language and Christian Americans will become repressed and oppressed.

I fear that the Supreme Court will become stacked with liberal justices who will "interpret" the American Constitution out of existence.

I fear that Global Corporations will become de-facto rulers of the country, and possibly the world. That Anti-Trust principles will be abandoned entirely and all commerce in America becomes the domain of corporations beholden to no governments or laws.

I fear that one day a government representative will show up at my door with orders to vacate my little farm for whatever reason a bureaucrat somewhere dreamed up, and I will have no recourse for justice.

I fear that abortion and sterilization will be mandated by the government in a Chinese-style population control policy.

I fear that elderly people or people with debilitating diseases or physical handicaps will be euthanized by a government-sponsored "right to die" policy.

I fear that being a Christian and attempting to worship in a church will become outlawed by the "diversity" police and friends or family will be jailed for violating laws on "respecting diversity".

I fear that gays will be given full marriage rights, followed by relaxed laws on child molestation and rape. That such rights may lead to lawful adoption of teenagers for the sexual use of their adoptive gay "parents".

Mostly I fear that the greatest country in the history of the world will fall soon, just like the great civilizations of the past, Rome and Greece, and for pretty much the same reasons. And we are about to enter another great Dark Age.


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