Monday, April 28, 2008

Talking to the Wind

Things are getting rather frightening out there.

Folks frustrated with George Bush and Iraq and the economy and gas prices and immigration and so on and so on seem to be willing to make matters worse by voting in politicians who promise to make things worse under the guise of "change".

I feel like I'm talking to the wind. Sometimes I think I just might be the only sane and reasonable person in the country. So, wind, here's my message for today. I implore that you blow it into the ears of reasonable people who might grasp its simple logic.

Oil prices are through the roof for lots of reasons. So what are the "change" candidates promising to do about it? Punish the oil companies with confiscatory taxes. Withdraw all troops from Iraq. "Negotiate" with Iran. Increase restrictions on oil exploration and continue to oppose any development of oilfields that are untapped within our own country. Charge everyone for their "carbon footprints" and give the money to Al Gore and his friends, who opportunistically are creating a whole new industry that produces nothing but wealth for Al. Please explain to me how these policies by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to ease the pain we all feel when we fill up our vehicles at the gas pump.

Iraq is winding down due to the efforts of General Petraeus and the troops implementing a hugely successful surge strategy. There are still challenges there, mostly caused by Iran and its agent Muqtada Al Sadr. Sure it's frustrating and difficult and expensive. Who doesn't want to get out of the Iraq entanglement as soon as possible? But to just stop everything suddenly and bring troops home before Iraq is stable enough to protect itself? Insanity. Iran will cross the border the very next day. Iraq will join Iran and Syria as the world headquarters of Islamic terrorism. Nuclear conflict will follow while Ahmadinejad laughs at Barack's naievete.

Taxes are going up. Big time going up. Sure, the federal budget is out of control. But our presidential "change" agents don't think it's because the government spends too much money. They actually think the government doesn't spend enough money - except for military expenditures, of course. So explain to me how it makes sense to decimate the military in these dangerous times, ratchet up taxes on everybody (if you think only the "rich" will pay more, you're a fool), and increase spending by hundreds of billions a year on socialist transfer payments is going to help anybody? OK, it will help solidify power for the politicians, so I suppose it benefits them. But nobody else.

Finally, please think straight about this: Do you really want a government that takes away more than half of what you earn and gives it to bureaucrats, tells you what you can and cannot do with your property, tells you what doctors you can see, what hospitals you can use, and what prescription drugs you are allowed to take? Do you really want a government that can fine or throw you in jail if you refuse to participate in the new universal healthcare plan? Do you really want to lose your freedom to choose where your children go to school and what sorts of indoctrination they get in their classrooms? Do you really want the government to fine you for using too much energy to heat your home or power your SUV or truck? Do you think it fair that business owners who won't hire gays or churches who won't marry them will be arrested and prosecuted, and bankrupted by civil lawsuits? Do you want to see your church shut down or replaced by a place that only reads poetry and preaches platitudes about "tolerance" from the pulpit because Christianity in its true form is no longer permitted? Is it OK with you that an illegal immigrant can replace you at your workplace, then one day crash into your car, injuring or killing you or a family member without insurance or consequence?

Do you even know what Marxism is, or the fact that two of the three presidential candidates are openly campaigning on Marxist philosophies? Or that the third candidate skates on the border of some of those same philosophies?

Insanity, you are American Politics.


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