Friday, March 07, 2008

Root Causes

I'm generally amazed at how the entire world seems to miss an obvious point. That the root cause of most of the conflict and instability that boiled over to become 9-11 and the war on terror is the existence of the state of Israel.

Why is it so hard for the press and politicians to be honest about the fact that 9-11 was ultimately an expression of Muslim anger at the ongoing presence and the United States' support for Israel? Al Quaeda is a Muslim organization with a radical mission to eliminate Israel from the planet and frighten the United States into withdrawing its support and friendship with that country. Added to that primary goal of course is their long-term goal of consolidating their particular brand of Islam as the ruler of the entire middle east and removing all western influence from the region, then perhaps using the wealth of the region's oil reserves to launch their conquest of the rest of the planet.

So Israel's muslim neighbors have long despised the jewish state and those in the United Nations who helped establish it. It's somewhat remarkable that Israel has survived the many attempts by their hostile neighbor countries and their surrogates to destroy them. These days there's this bizarre perspective running around the leftist media that if Israel somehow stopped mistreating the Palestinians and allow them to carve out their own country inside Israel's boundaries that all can live in peace.

Ask Bill Clinton how that idea worked. He was able to get Israel to accept Yassir Arafat's demands in principle a few years back, and Arafat walked away. The Palestinians have no intention of making peace with Israel; that's not just my characterization, but the consistently stated position of their representatives. The terror will continue in Israel until the Jews leave or are slaughtered and the country no longer exists.

How can the Israel problem, and by association the terrorism problem for America, be resolved? Think about it for a moment, and the answer should be obvious.

Pacification. Strong, forceful, no-nonsense enforcement of peace. Yeah, I know, the left can't stand any sort of war, and would be viciously opposed (interestingly enough for people who claim to be pacifists) to bringing peace to the middle east by force. But there is simply no other solution.

How do we solve the problem? As if it were even possible, which I know it is not, the following is the only solution.

First, a coalition of like-minded countries, like NATO, creates a united front and tells the Palestinians this:

You may have your own state next to Israel. Perhaps locking in the borders as they currently exist. Take it or leave it. These borders will be enforced heavily. Nobody crosses without authorization from the other government. Palestinians in Israel may choose to stay or move to the new Palestine. If they stay in Israel and are caught participating in terrorist activities, they will be subject to capital punishment.

If, however, the Palestinians want to continue to avail themselves of the jobs and benefits they can enjoy as citizens of Israel, they must lay down their arms and vigorously prosecute any terrorist groups among them.

If the Palestinians do not agree to the terms of either their new state or the offer of freedom to be peaceful and prosperous citizens of Israel, the separate state solution will be forced on them by NATO troops, who will disarm them by any means necessary until the area is pacified.

Very simple, really. Unfortunately, the religious nature of the conflict denies and hope for peaceful negotiation. So force will be required, and the terrorist areas will have to come under strict martial law until pacified.

Too bad it will never happen.


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