Monday, April 20, 2009

Starting to Understand

The big question on my mind recently has been centered around how a seeming majority of people could support the frightening things happening as our single-party rulers move rapidly forward with their agenda.

I've begun to get a sliver of insight through some recent conversations.

The reason these people don't find the new political direction frightening is they don't know they're taking place.

The reasons:

They get all their news from the network nightly news programs, which of course studiously avoid the "whole" story. They focus on the Obama celebrity, what Michelle's wearing today or their favorite presidential sound bite of the day. The only hard news permitted is whatever new slams against the evil Bush administration were issued from the White House today.

They either don't really know about the socialist agenda, or believe it's nothing more than right-wing radio talk shows spewing divisive rhetoric toward Obama.

They haven't heard anything about the Homeland Security report suggesting surveillance on conservative groups they've labeled "domestic terrorists". It is dismissed as just another right-wing talk radio invention.

They favor government intervention for people in trouble with their mortgage, and believe government healthcare is past due.

They figure the government's been racking up debt for decades, so it's no big deal if some more debt happens as Obama tries to spend money on infrastructure to help rescue the economy.

They have bought the story that only the rich will pay more in taxes.

They think the greedy oil companies are finally going to be reined in. They don't understand what will happen to every citizen when Cap & Trade is passed into law. In fact, they don't even know what Cap & Trade means.

Wasn't it Ben Franklin who once suggested that the American Republic depends on an educated citizenry, or it will fail. He was absolutely right.


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