Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I May be Doing it Wrong

I've been stuck in another plateau. My reaction has been to cut back even further on food intake, which just frustrates me more as the number on the scale continues to refuse to budge.

Now I have some information that suggests I might be doing it wrong. Literally starving myself in the attempt to break the logjam may be killing my metabolism. It looks like I may need to change direction slightly.

See, I have a basic problem. I really don't like rabbit food. And that's at the root of my metabolism problem. Apparently, I should be filling my stomach with raw vegetables that supposedly burn more calories to digest than they cost. Somehow that is supposed to boost metabolism and help burn the fat faster.

Since I have an aversion to lettuce and carrots and celery and cucumbers, I prefer to just eat the protein and fruit allowed on my diet. And that appears to be what's causing these long, frustrating plateaus.

I guess I'll have to force myself to fill up on the rabbit food. We'll see how that works.


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