Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Geena Davis is Just a Tall Hillary Clinton

There wasn't much of interest on TV last night, so I gave in to curiosity and watched the new ABC show, "Commander in Chief". From the ads I had seen for the show, I suspected that it most likely was part of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

I was right.

The evil, Machiavellian Republican caricature in the show played very aptly by Donald Sutherland is shown scheming and pulling out all the stops to undermine the presidency of Geena Davis' character. Although the occasional reference is made to "enemies from both parties", last night's episode didn't introduce a single Democrat character. The implicit message is that Republicans are the evil political party.

In a poorly disguised move to pretend the show is non-partisan, Geena is neither Republican nor Democrat, but an Independent. The issues she is given to deal with are either forced upon her by Sutherland's scheming or manufactured fantasies of incredibly simplistic policy issues designed to show the new woman president as tough and decisive.

For a propaganda piece intended to prepare the American public for President Hillary, the show is even more vapid than even I expected. I suppose the producers are counting on a demographic of shallow and gullible viewers who will somehow associate Hillary with Gina in an enthusiastic voter turnout, where they will see Hillary repeat such foreign policy coups as giving Russia fast-track entry into the WTO in exchange for the release of jailed journalists.

And the so-called "Liberal Elite" so enjoy calling conservatives stupid.


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