Thursday, November 03, 2005

Oh I Get It

Saw an interesting interview with Howard Dean this week.

The interviewer was talking about abortion, and the obvious fact that the Democratic Party is the "Pro-Choice" party. For some strange reason, he thought Howard would simply confirm that, yes, Democrats are the "Pro-Choice" party.

But he refused to say that. He flipped and flopped and spun and danced. Why, "Pro-Choice" has become synonymous with "Pro-Abortion", and Democrats are not that. They are simply in favor of keeping private medical matters private. Between a woman and her physician. That government has no place in decisions of individuals in the area of reproduction.

But no, he refused to say that Democrats are "Pro-Choice". Why, there are plenty of Pro-Life Democrats, and they are welcomed and respected.


I was just wondering, is there a single national Democrat leader that is openly Pro-Life? Let's say that Howard actually went so far as to say that Democrats want reproductive freedom, but would be happy to see abortions become a thing of the past. I can only imagine what their core constituencies - NOW, NARAL, People for the American Way, - would react to that. They'd probably tar and feather him and ride him out of Washington on a rail.

So I get it. Democrats have decided that they can only win if they can fool the majority of people. Pretend that they don't really support abortion when they really do. Call Alito "Scalito" and distort his record beyond recognition to try to create cover for filibustering him. Pretend that "Scooter" Libby's alleged lies to the special prosecutor represent a "culture of corruption" in the white house. Keep up the daily mantra that "Bush lied" about WMD in Iraq, when everybody in the world (including leading Democrats) agreed at the time that Saddam had them. Continue hammering Bush for racism and mis-management of Hurricane Katrina when the facts of the event clearly implicate the New Orleans Mayor and Louisiana Governor as the real source of failures. Get CBS to run a skewed poll to get a 35% approval rating for Bush, which asked 24% Republicans, 35% Democrats, and 41% Independents; then run a comparison to Nixon, trying to brainwash people into believing Bush equals Nixon.

The unfortunate truth is that it works, at least partially. It mainly works with the uneducated and uninformed, who hear little snippets of Democrat lies and accept them as fact. I hear some of them talk now and then and am always amazed at how skewed their perceptions are - quite often, they don't even get the message the Democrat machine is trying to sell them quite right, because it gets distorted even further as it passes through the filters of friends and faulty memory.

Ben Franklin was so right. Democracy is wholly dependent on an educated and informed population. Strange that the party that speaks loudest about education seems to be the one trying hardest to destroy it.


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