Monday, November 21, 2005

The Fall of the American Empire

Comparisons have been made by many over several years now between the conditions of Roman society right before their fall and those of the USA today. And certainly the cultural decline in our country over the last 30 years is deplorable. But now, with the current status of our internal debates about the war on terrorism, I fear the end of our way of life may indeed be near.

If recent polls are correct, a majority of the population is now buying the line that started way out on the left fringes of the political spectrum, known by the protest mantra "Bush lied, people died". The campaign spread to now include the leadership of the opposition Democratic party. Now there are United States Senators, who should and I am convinced do know better, parroting the myths started by the socialist-communist-pacifist-ultra-left-wing-radicals about Iraq being Bush's war and about oil and Halliburton, rather than about protecting the country from global Islamic terrorism.

What upsets me is that the Democrat-leaning news media is a willing participant in helping their favored politicians spread the vile and misleading mythology that attempts to paint the country's president as some sort of vile version of Ghengis Khan, invading soverign peaceful countries and murdering their civilians in order to enrich himself and his friends. That he either condones or encourages torture of innocents, as if just for some sort of perverse pleasure in causing pain and suffering. That equates our military's dentention of Al Quaeda prisoners to the Soviet Gulags, Pol Pot, Nazi Concentration Camps, etc. (See the "Honorable Sen. Dick Durbin")

It is one thing to engage in debate over the wisdom of going to war to oust Saddam from Iraq. The debate was held and a super-majority of congress voted to move forward, so at this stage there doesn't seem to be much point in revisiting. It is quite another to use such outrageous lies to undermine that effort like the spoiled brat who didn't get his way.

It strikes me as both appalling and amazingly stupid that one of the two major political parties in America would have as it's strategy for gaining power in the next elections a fundamental lie against the president during a time of war. Did Republicans use such tactics to undermine FDR during WWII? Did they viciously attack Harry Truman for his decision to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to bring the war to an end? Did they attack LBJ for his conduct of a John Kerry-like "sensitive" war in VietNam?


Even when decisions were questionable and leadership suspect, Republicans and Americans knew that in time of war we must unite behind our Commander in Chief and do everything we can to try to help him win the peace.

But it hurts me deeply to see that mostly Democrats mostly in the Senate would happily trade this country's security for their own personal power. Those who voted to authorize the Iraq war at the beginning and are now trying to suggest they did so because they were misled by the president are guilty of the worst sort of treason; they are selling out their country for their own political gain.

And our great unwashed, poorly educated masses have no clue.

America, I pray for thee.


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