Friday, December 09, 2005

Dan for President

So here it is, my official/unofficial announcement of my candidacy for President of the United States. After much study and research of the expected candidates from both major political parties, I have reached the conclusion that there is no available candidate who either reflects my views of government or can legitimately claim to be immune from corruption by the denizens of the lobbies and cocktail parties of Washington, DC.

There seems to be little point in introducing myself, as for most people that information would be boring and irrelevant. Besides, the major obstacles facing my election committee right now are many: The committee itself (there's nobody on it), campaign finance (I've got a little over 20 bucks in my pocket right now), and lack of name recognition (Dan who?).

This campaign is instead based completely on ideas and philosophies. If you read this and future blog entries and agree with my platform, join my new party and help get the word out on the "Dan for President" campaign. If you hate my ideas, fine, go away.

We will begin the campaign with the platform of the new party under which I make my run for the Presidency. For lack of a better idea at this point in time, I'll just call it the "Common Sense Party", or CSP for short.

The CSP is dedicated to the following principles:
  • Preservation of constitutional principles of freedom and equality, and vigilantly assuring continued compliance with every paragraph and amendment as defined therein
  • Protecting the United States' borders, language, and culture against foreign assailants
  • Defeating terrorism
  • Protecting the United States' sovereignty from global government movements while using both the carrot and the stick in encouraging foreign governments to become and remain friends
  • Maintaining capitalism while enforcing antitrust laws and never giving preferences to any individual, corporation, or labor union
  • Protecting the rights of citizens to worship (or not worship) as they please without impeding anyone's freedom of speech, only excepting advocates of violence and terror
  • Seating judges who interpret the constitution and the laws on the books and do not attempt to create their own laws
  • Maintaining a strong military that is able to protect the country against all threats while making sure all tax money for defense is spent wisely and appropriately
  • Implementing social programs designed to solve problems and eliminating those programs that have failed
  • Throwing out the current tax code in favor of a simple, fair tax that treats everyone equally
  • Finding realistic solutions to healthcare that require participation from everyone and favor no individual or group over any other
Over the next few posts, which I'll create whenever the whim presents itself, I will expand on the above points. Most likely, I'll add some more points as well.

If you like the ideas presented by the CSP, leave a comment. If you don't like them, you can comment too, but if the comment is objectionable I'll delete it. On the other hand, a well-reasoned argument against any one principle in my platform could possibly entice me to rethink that plank; then again, I highly doubt it, but good luck if you want to give it a try.


Blogger pinano said...

Mr. S., you stole my party's name! In high school Government, we had two candidates. I was the VP for the Common Sense party.

No opposition with the wording on your planks; I just hope you intend to follow through on all of them. No flip-flopping, and no uncaring conservatism.

Dan for P!

5:58 PM  

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